OMB Delays Procurement Rules for One More Year

OMB Delays Procurement Rules for One More Year

May 30, 2017

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has announced an additional one-year grace period to implement procurement standards in the Uniform Guidance for tribal government and other non-federal groups. The new extension goes through December 25, 2017.

Any tribe that chooses the grace-period option must document this within its internal procurement policies with a written document from management or a tribal council resolution.

The announcement does not affect tribes that have already implemented the new procurement standards. Audits will be tested using the new procurement policy and its applicability to the Uniform Guidance. Tribes that have not yet implemented the new procurement standards should start reviewing the changes to determine whether it’s appropriate to take the grace period – and, if they do, follow policies currently in place as well as document they are electing to delay the procurement policies.

More information about the extension are at:

To learn how REDW can assist your organization with OMB related issues, including its implementation and training opportunities, or other best practice issues affecting Tribes, please contact Corrine Wilson or Chris Tyhurst.

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